Wondering if you’ve got the right stories to support your business messages? Going through your photo gallery is a great way to recall some you may have forgotten. Here are some of mine.

“Leaders of organizations often have to deliver complex, confusing, or challenging messages. Facts alone do not inspire people to care, understand or remember. Emotions do.
So the more technologically advanced we become, the more we need to go back to the basics of human connection—storytelling that people can wrap their hearts and minds around. ”
How effective are you and your colleagues at:
Connecting with customers or clients in the most authentic way
Rallying colleagues around organizational change
Engaging employees in purpose and values
Presenting and influencing
Explaining what you do and why
Communicating so that people truly get it and remember it
Organizations need to dramatically alter how they lead and communicate. It’s never been easier to access information and yet, it’s far harder for leaders to make an impact.
We’ve got an approach that works. Thousands of business leaders across the globe have already benefitted from the GENIUS Strategic Storytelling methodology created by Gabrielle Dolan, thought leader on authentic leadership and storytelling based in Melbourne, Australia.