Name It

One of the best pieces of business advice I ever got happened years ago and has always stayed with me.

At Harvard’s Kennedy School we were told when men or women tear up in a business setting, it’s really important to "name it". Is it coming from a place of anger or joy, frustration or sadness, illness or something else entirely? When we don’t take a moment to explain what’s behind our expression of emotion, people come to their own conclusions based on their life experiences. And that can be very misleading.

At a time when business leaders are being encouraged to speak out for themselves and others— or share personal stories that show vulnerability, it’s possible their words may be accompanied by a tear or two. When that happens to you, remember to name your emotion so those around you understand which emotion you are channeling and why. 

Examples: "I'm beyond thrilled because when we started this business there were 3 of us and today 300 of us stand here together." OR "I'm frustrated because of a difficult conversation I had earlier in the day and while I tried to put it behind me, I'm still reliving it." 

That should minimize any confusion and will help your audience consider the appropriate response. Handing over a tissue is not always the best choice. 

Ellen Weiss helps leaders influence and connect in a more meaningful way. She is an accredited partner in GENIUS Business Storytelling, leading public workshops as well as tailored in-house workshops. Thousands around the world have been trained in the methodology created by thought leader and author Gabrielle Dolan in Australia.

Ellen Weiss