Genius of Story

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Origin Story: A La Latina

Cynthia was a corporate Walmart employee with weekly home deliveries.

A delivery man realized she worked at Walmart. He asked Cynthia if she would speak to his wife, who also worked at Walmart in an administrative role. Cynthia agreed. She asked for a resume and noticed how capable this person was—an example of someone stuck in a role who could contribute so much more. Cynthia reached out to her own networks for help but it always resulted in a dead end.

Part of Cynthia’s role was to make regular store visits. She would engage Latina employees in her native Spanish. They always had an immediate reaction— how did YOU get to Corporate? But Cynthia did not get to Corporate, she started there.

It became clear she needed to get educated on barriers to Latinas advancing in the workplace.

She uncovered three:

1) Stereotypes around being very loud and not caring about work

2) No networks to reach out to

3) No role models- Cynthia was the most senior Latina in her company

Cynthia thought a podcast could help. She thought...

“If can give these women access to role models by interviewing them and those role models can share the playbook, that would address 2 and 3. And by giving visibility to Latinas who may be loud and passionate and still successful, I’d be addressing the stereotype.”

She shared the idea and people had different reactions.

One group said “Sounds good… but there are way too many podcasts so don’t waste your time."

Others said “I’ve got a Latina you must meet and also you must get in touch with Claudia Romo Edelman."

She tried but could not find a way.

Last year, Cynthia was part of a cohort of 44 leaders from around the world for a fellowship program with the International Women’s Forum. She shared her idea with the group. It turns out one of the other Fellows worked directly for Claudia’s husband and sprung into action. She called Claudia and spent a half hour telling her all about Cynthia. Before she knew it, Cynthia was having breakfast at Claudia’s home.

They spoke, bonded and after learning Claudia had also been considering a podcast, Cynthia leaned in for the ask.

“Do you want to be co-hosts?"

Claudia said yes immediately and they shook hands.

Cynthia blurted out “Wait--are you crazy? Why did you agree to this?”

Claudia said “Mariana works for my husband. I trust her. She would never recommend someone I cannot trust.”

Introducing A La Latina, the podcast to break those barriers. Just imagine how your own network can work for you.


